
Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 73: Going Back to Artistic Roots

Quote about art by Pablo Picasso

I was feeling the need to work on something artsy today, so I dug into a box that is filled with old drawings I've done, art tools, sketchbooks, and all kinds of papers. I even came across artwork from when I was a preschool teacher 13 years ago. The drawing below was done by one of my favorite students, Rachel. I wonder what she looks like now!

Preschool art

I used to love doing art with the preschoolers because they are so in the moment when they're creating. They just go with the flow...

Unfinished drawing
As I was going through a sketchbook, I came across a pencil drawing of long-stemmed glasses I had started maybe 8-9 years ago. I was inspired to finish the drawing, but wanted to only use these crayons and colored pencils that I've had for several years but haven't opened until today!

My challenge, or "first", for today was to go with the flow and be in the moment while finishing this drawing. I couldn't stop and think if it "looked good", "plan" what the finished product would look like, or think about if it would sell or not. In the past this is the mindset I had going into many art pieces. Today I wanted to just color and create like a preschooler would.

I discovered that this first actually has been one of the biggest challenges for me so far. In the beginning I found myself stopping every few minutes to judge what I had created.

Oh, I don't know if that looks good...

The shading is wrong...

I was finally able to tune out those voices, just have fun, and finish the drawing...

Drawing of wine glasses


  1. You inspired me! You are an artist, Maria!

    1. Thanks, Judy! Looking forward to seeing your art, too :)
